Watch Not Alone 2017 Movie HD - UrMovie
Not Alone
- Genre:documentary
- Release year:2017
- Country:United States
- Director: Kiki Goshay, Jacqueline Monetta
- Quality:HD
- Tags:Alone, Watch Free Movies, urmovie, Watch Movies HD, 123movies, Movies for Free, Movies Online
KEYWORDS: Not Alone movie online,Watch Not Alone 2017Not Alone Full Movie HD,Watch Not Alone Free Stream,Watch Not Alone for free,Watch Movie Not Alone Online
Driven by a desire to understand why her best friend killed herself at 16, Jacqueline Monetta, 18 gets teens suffering to share their struggles with mental illness and suicide attempts. Through her intimate one-to-one interviews, Jacqueline, and the audience learn about depression, anxiety, self-harm, suicide attempts, getting help and treating mental illness. As their stories unfold, they assure the audience that mental illnesses, like physical illnesses, can and should be treated.